Friday, October 19, 2007


1) A home by the river (zuari preferably)
2) an easily visited jungle with trails to walk through (basically with no humans around)
3) All this in a place where there are only two seasons (hot and wet).
Being able to sit by the river on a verandah and gaze into the river when its pouring buckets is a big part of this dream.
4)Having someone to share this with ( I think I'd rather spend my days with a lady but this is not essential)
5)Good vegetarian food.
6)A job in a large medical college hospital (GMC will do) and lots of students to expound to. And the health and good fortune to do this till i can't.
7)enough money so that money never plays a role in this dream again.

more when i have more time to pfaff
to a good life.........

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