Friday, October 19, 2007


1) A home by the river (zuari preferably)
2) an easily visited jungle with trails to walk through (basically with no humans around)
3) All this in a place where there are only two seasons (hot and wet).
Being able to sit by the river on a verandah and gaze into the river when its pouring buckets is a big part of this dream.
4)Having someone to share this with ( I think I'd rather spend my days with a lady but this is not essential)
5)Good vegetarian food.
6)A job in a large medical college hospital (GMC will do) and lots of students to expound to. And the health and good fortune to do this till i can't.
7)enough money so that money never plays a role in this dream again.

more when i have more time to pfaff
to a good life.........

Sunday, October 14, 2007

the rut

Discovered marcel khalifa. am unable to understand the words but the pain in the voice comes across as urgent, earnest. My Arabic friends worship him, so the interest in him and the oudh. The oudh sounds like the spanish guitar with no bass, and arabic when sung sounds plaintive like in a perpetual moan. Quite a soul stirring combination.

Been craving home quite a bit. So the triveni festival came as a blessing. Two days of indian classical music was just what i needed. Never had Indian classical in that kind of a dose. was liberating, really enjoyed the feeling of being transported to a mughal durbar.

and the rut continues, maybe it is the combination of too much time, impending applications and feeling friendless. I so hate seasons, wet and hot is what I like. All this fluctuation in messing with my mind.