Friday, December 16, 2005


Back from Tennessee. Land where the trees are still green and there’s not a spot of white on the ground.

Nice hospital. What stood out was that they had free food in their cafeteria. And the cafeteria was open 24/7. So the residents there use it like a grocery store. No yoghurt at home pick it up at the cafeteria, they have all the brands. Estimated savings of 16000 dollars in 3 years, if you can subsist on only cafeteria food.

Their call rooms were good to. Mandatory TV and computer, bed always made for you with clean smelling sheets. If you could live in the call room and eat in the cafeteria, your only expenses would be taxes. Imagine that. It takes an Indian to come up with this, that’s why we are admired the world over.

Not going there though, no science going on. It feels to comfy too. Not the place I did fit in. Also too many females. A certain amount is ok more than that the only conversation will be about family.

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